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Teixeira, J., Souza, L., Le Stradic, S.L., Fidelis, A. 2022. Fire promotes functional plant diversity and modifies soil carbon dynamics in tropical savanna. Science of the Total Environment 812: 152317.

Chiminazzo, M.A., Bombo, A.B., Charles-Dominique, T., Fidelis, A. 2021. Your best buds are worth protecting: Variation in bud protection in a fire-prone cerrado system. Functional Ecology 35: 2424-2434.

Rodrigues, C.A., Zirondi, H.L., Fidelis, A. 2021. Fire frequency affects fire behavior in open savannas of the Cerrado. Forest Ecology and Management, 482: 118850.

Zirondi, H.L., Ooi, M.K.J., Fidelis, A. 2021. Fire-triggered flowering is the dominant post-fire strategy in a tropical savanna. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12995.

Zupo, T., Daibes, L.F., Pausas, J., G., Fidelis, A. 2021. Post-fire regeneration strategies in a frequently burned Cerrado community. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12968.

Dairel, M., Fidelis, A. 2020. How does fire affect germination of grasses in the Cerrado?. Seed Science Research 30:275-283.

Dairel, M., Fidelis, A. 2020. The presence of invasive grasses affects the soil seed bank composition and dynamics of both invaded and non-invaded areas of open savannas. Journal of Environmental Management 276: 111291.

Damasceno, G., Fidelis, A. 2020. Abundance of invasive grasses is dependent on fire regime and climatic conditions in tropical savannas. Journal of Environmental Management 271: 111016.



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